Sponsor Me
for the 2007 Blogathon being held on July 28 starting at 6am PST {9am EST} - - - blogging for the Tibetan Nuns Project @ spectavi."During the Blogathon, people update their websites every 30 minutes for 24 hours straight. For this, they collect sponsorships. Pledges can be a flat donation, or a certain amount for every hour the blogger manages to stay awake." ~ Blogathon
To be a sponsor, click the Sponsor Me link above to sign up. You will need to provide, a valid eMail address, a password for the Blogathon website, and your name (a screen name option is also available to maintain your privacy). After the Blogathon is held, you will receive an eMail providing the link to submit your pledged amount.
My chosen charity uses PayPal, and if you do not want to pay online other arrangements can be made (like last year); just send an eMail. Please still sign up if you opt out of an online payment.
Thank you very much.